Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Can You Handle This?

You know a guy since high school, you date for a few years and you even marry him, but do you really know him? I knew my wonderful Man had many talents, but door handles too? Look at these beauties! Designed by, stained and installed by the same guy who's name graces the title of this blog and soon the doors to our new digs. These babies make a statement. Measuring about 18" tall and about 2.5" thick and made of cherry wood, these handles say "push me, pull me, come in and see what's on the other side of these doors." Thanks Honey, You Rock!


dave k. said...

Hope to see you Sunday, the 13th and really looking forward to it. Is the 800 number the same for the new gallery? What about hours? I know Tuesday is golf day - if you can find a place in Napa!

dave k. said...

Hope to see you Sunday, the 13th and really looking forward to it. Is the 800 number the same for the new gallery? What about hours? I know Tuesday is golf day - if you can find a place in Napa!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave,

Everything is pretty much the same except our beautiful new digs! See you Sunday. :)