Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Carefree Days of Summer

"Carefree" was used in an earlier blog post, but I could not resist featuring her again after Alexandra made friends with her outside the gallery this week. Walking down the sidewalk with her Mother, Alexandra gasped with delight when she saw her new friend. Without missing a beat, she removed her own sandals and took hold of "Carefree's" hand, all while insisting that "Mom" take a picture. Alexandra's Mother attempted to capture the moment with an uncooperative cell-phone camera, while Alexandra, without disturbing her pose, gave detailed instructions on how to take a proper picture. Seeing that this lovely moment might be heading south, I reached for our gallery camera and leapt to the rescue. As I snapped the picture, a wave of relief swept over "Mom's" face and Alexandra's smile was as sweet as the ice cream that stained her rosy cheeks. Following the photo shoot, I was joined in the gallery by two of its newest fans. Everyone was happy, especially me as I was able to enjoy someone new discover our sunlit world.

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